- Click on ads everyday to $3
- Rent referrals and maintain (renew / extend) up to 300 referrals
- Do not cashout first (patience)
- Upgrade to Golden for a double income and rent referrals again.
- Please enjoy cashout
Note: Rent referral $0.6 to 3 referrals, renew the referral/recycle lazy about $0.07 and extend referrals each month, they can be set auto-pay/auto-renew, speeding to find direct referrals and add funds.
  All can only be done at the PTC's proven reliable and not a scam in the middle of the road. Please register Neobux here
Strategi $50 per hari ala Neobux:
- Klik iklan tiap hari hingga $3
- Sewa referral dan maintain ( renew/perpanjang) sampai dapat 300 referral
- Jangan cashout dulu (kesabaran)
- Upgrade ke Golden untuk gandakan penghasilan dan sewa referral lagi.
- Silahkan menikmati cashout
Catatan: Sewa referral $0.6 untuk 3 referral, renew yaitu mendaur ulang referral yang malas sekitar $0.07 dan perpanjang referral tiap bulan, keduanya bisa di set auto-pay/auto-renew, percepat dengan cari direct referral dan add fund.
Semua cuma bisa dilakukan di PTC yang sudah terbukti terpercaya dan tidak scam di tengah jalan. Silahkan daftar Neobux disini
when you reach $10 you can buy ad package here and make your $10 become $15. Free $10 for signing up here as a test drive.
1 ad package = 1000 visitors to your site/your referral link